From 1997 through 2004, I played keyboards (and often sang) in several original bands that lasted anywhere from 3 weeks to 13 months. These bands were a mix of pop / rock efforts. I loathed and loved them equally at times. The ultimate goal was always to get gigs — anywhere and anytime. 10pm Tuesday at the Khyber Pass or Pontiac Grill, sure thing. Even if three people showed up and were only there for whiskey night caps, we would do whatever it took. A backyard BBQ in 95 degree July heat? Yep, we took that spot to play for the birds and squirrels while everyone nibbled on food in the central air inside.

Here’s a sample of the sounds from Pagoda, one of the longer running bands:

Some lyrics:

The prophet is drawing near.
Can’t you feel the portals blooming in the air?
All of the scriptures that have ever been written are slowly bleeding into one.
And he’s rubbed elbows with the New Jersey Devil.
And he’s driven with Christ and floored the pedal.
He knows exactly when the shit is going down.