Carl Franke

🎹 Music + 📖 Fiction + 📣 Marketing

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Death Of The Follower & The Future Of Creativity On The Web

This was a great presentation from Patreon CEO Jack Conte at SXSW. He speaks of striving for deeper connections opposed to more connections, and the relentless chaotic pursuit of chasing algorithms within social channels. His history of social media in the beginning alone is fascinating, especially if you lived through it in the late 90s and early 00s. So much has changed for the creative artist that is looking to promote their works.

The extreme “death of the follower” seems true on Facebook and Instagram. But on TikTok, the ability to toggle between followers and “For You” creates allows for two unique feeds offering the best of both worlds, and presents an powerful outlet for artists. Their works can seep into the “For You” feed as expected, potentially suited content that can transcend.

Focusing on gaining followers only can be a zero sum game. What percentage of your followers are truly the ones that purchase and promote your brand, opposed to the obligatory occasional “like”?

Turning Ideas Into Video Presentations With

Starting Out With The Ridiculous

For the Big Game this Sunday, I wanted to reveal a fantastical way that Taylor Swift could make her grand entrance into the stadium. Using, I described a few different scenes, chose background music and opted to have the narration spoken and included as captions. The results were a mix of hilarious, highly accurate and entertaining. The Taylor Swift imagery looked remarkably like her. Even the correct team colors were represented for the fans’ jerseys and hats, with distorted versions of their logos.

What Is

With Fliki, you can turn products, text, blogs, Powerpoint presentations and flat out any idea into a videos with AI voices. With the free version, you can create 5 minutes of credits per month with a watermarked output. The paid Standard and Premium accounts allow for Full HD 1080p videos and a wealth of more options for voices, imagery, video clips, stickers and music assets.

This is a great tool for creating content for social, promotional videos, educational videos and corporate presentations. Creation is blazing fast and editor is simplistic and intuitive.

What Happens After You Save Someone’s Life?

My Dad Raymond D. Franke saved Air Force Brigadier General William W. Spruance’s life back in 1961, pulling him out of a swamp as he sank badly burned. I never researched the General until now, but it altered the course of his life’s mission:

“After surviving a near-fatal crash as a passenger in a T-33 aircraft in 1961, resulting in extensive burns, he began a lifelong and legendary safety mission that took him to dozens of bases in the U.S. and around the world to make over 2,000 presentations on flying safety and crash survival. He was the first reserve officer awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal for one of his three trips to Vietnam when he gave 100 presentations to over 10,000 people, at 58 bases, in 60 days.”

166th Airlift Wing

You can read the full story here.

Rosario’s vs. Oreland Pizza

In Be Home By Dinner, the protagonist, Garvey Nolan, frequents Rosario’s pizzeria in Oreland on a few different occasions. Rosario’s is the sole pizzeria in East Oreland and Oreland Pizza (recently revamped) is the sole pizzeria in West Oreland.

On a recent lunch break, I visited Rosario’s. Upon entering, the two cow bells tied to the door clanged and the guys in the back making sandwiches peered over and shouted hello. The sparse tables looked identical to the ones that I sat at during my youth, along with the stacked walls of cardboard pizza boxes, the humming beverage fridge, the counter for paying, the dusty framed photos and the TV in the back corner. I felt as if I stepped back in time, awaiting my old schoolmates to barrel through the door with their Catholic school uniforms on. Rosario’s is a no-frills experience, but you don’t need it with good food. Two plain slices and a drink for $5.00 is a great deal as well. I poured on the garlic salt like old times.

Back in the day, a woman named Erin took the orders from the counter, her hair tied back and white apron caked with sauce and dough. She had a pen over her ear and asked what we were up to, always addressing our first names and asking how our parents were doing. I don’t know where she is these days, but she taught me the power of the dedicated repeat customer — an alluring guardian that kept a watchful eye and ear on us.

I decided to put a poll on Facebook to see which Oreland pizzeria was favored the most. I then shared it to the Oreland Group and the stories that poured in were many, respecting both sides. Of 189 votes, Rosario’s won at 57%. Stop in for a slice the next time you’re cruising down Pennsylvania Avenue and feeling hungry.

View the results on Facebook.

Ewok Adventures

In 2007, I created a stop motion animation at my house in Fishtown starring an Ewok action figure that I had since 1983, simply titled Ewok!

The video starts with the Ewok being buried in the backyard. He resurfaces, finds his way to the back door and enters the home. A couple of Jamaican toys greet him and are delighted to dance with him. But the majority of toys and household objects are trying to destroy him.

In a fight to save his renewed life, the Ewok battles a potato scrubber, an egg slicer, a swordsman, a dart board, a possessed TV and more. After drinking a bottle of Yuengling Lager, and charmed by one of the home’s human inhabitants, the Ewok continues the fight but is trapped by a large multi-legged monster covered in blue lights.

Luckily, the Ewok’s old friends (Dr. Evil from Austin Powers and President George Washington) come to the rescue. They then celebrate by lighting Snakes, a classic entry level firework, on the back patio. The Snakes char the Ewok’s face, but he survives.

Inspired by this video, 14 years later, my son Wesley made a sequel called Ewok 2. (He also made several others.) Below are both videos. Check ’em out!


Ewok 2: By Wesley Franke

Ewok! later inspired my wife Melissa to create our wedding invitations. She had never even seen one Star Wars movie but was suddenly asking for more old action figures that were in a basement shoebox. As Wesley became a Star Wars fan, Melissa has now seen Episodes I – IX.

Ewok and wedding rings
Ewok wedding invitation
Star Wars wedding invitation
Star Wars themed wedding invitation
Ewok Star Wars wedding invite

I Love A Parade

It’s a song my Dad sung when I was a kid as he did monotonous chores. I thought he was quoting Chevy Chase from National Lampoon’s Vacation. But, he was really singing a song from 1931 written by Harry Richman that has been covered by many. Regardless, “I Love A Parade” made for the perfect title for a Be Home By Dinner chapter set on July 4th, 1985 in Oreland, PA, during the frenzy of the parade’s start, when a stolen Hustler magazine seemed more important to protagonist, Garvey Nolan.

The Fourth of July Parade is arguably the best day in Oreland. Unlike the nearby Glenside parade, which starts at 4pm and is laden with alcohol, the Oreland parade starts at a sleepy 10am. Bystanders are more likely to hold thermoses of coffee over beer.

Although not as longstanding and lengthy as the neighboring Glenside parade, the Oreland parade is just enough to have previous and current residents meld together. Also, the route is an intimate journey that weaves through the neighborhood, opposed to just major arteries. Homeowners lucky enough to live on the parade route have a supreme destination for family and friends year after year. 

It’s a given that you’ll see the helicopter from the Vietnam War and the countless line of Corvettes. Why the Corvettes (some not even classics yet)? I don’t know.

As a child, my parents let me ride my Big Wheel in the parade and later my black Huffy. As you can see in the photos below, I had a standard Fourth of July striped shirt that spanned years. 

Oreland Parade Via Big Wheel

Above: Careening through the bicylists in pursuit of ice cream sandwiches, Otter Pops and hot dogs.

Redford Road In Oreland PA

Above: I try to look happy while staring into the sun and having my black Huffy transformed.

Above: Going the wrong way down Allison Road. This is awesome!

One of the many versions of “I Love A Parade”, by Joey Heatherton.

In celebration of July 4th, here’s the entirety of Chapter 17: I Love A Parade from Be Home By Dinner. Read and enjoy!

Santa Plexiglass Blues

Here’s a music video of Wes and Simone singing “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” with me on the Spire Studio. The video contains clips from the Ambler Holiday Parade, Longwood Gardens and decorating our Christmas tree. Speaking of which, we had to return our tree this year after it stopped drinking water after a couple days. We had to remove all of the ornaments and get a new one. The sellers at the North Penn VFW were cool about it and didn’t charge us for the second one.

The kiddos and I also recorded a rendition of “Jingle Bells” on the Spire Studio. This music video features some photos of many Franke Christmas pasts over the years.

We’ve been taking our kids to the Willow Grove Mall Santa since Wes was five months old. Last year, Santa had plexiglass in front of him due to COVID. It was nice to see that removed this year.

The days of playing at Challenges Arcade and buying 8-bit Nintendo and Sega Master System games at Babbages and Electronics Boutique are long gone, but the mall still has that stank of perfume mixed with Cinnabon cinnamon and buttery Auntie Anne’s pretzels. It sticks to your pores.

Honeymoon Adventure Island

As Melissa and I are now married for 12 years, here’s a true story about how our honeymoon in Aruba ended.

Newlyweds in a foreign country, we had engaged in everything else that the Occidental Grand Aruba resort had to offer. We figured it was time to do up a casino, to roll the dice a bit.

We weren’t gamblers, but we were drunk after hours at the piano bar across the street, where the singer made fun of my fedora and called me Michael Jackson, and where I insisted on eating a Whopper at a neighboring Burger King to see if they tasted the same as in America.

So, my beautiful wife Melissa and I ambled into the casino, which was attached to the vast resort lobby, where a country western band was playing of all acts, and put a quarter into one of the simple slot machines.

Instant jackpot! $300 worth of coins came spitting out. I scurried off to grab a plastic cup before the coins overflowed the bin.

Melissa celebrates winning in the casino.

We cashed in and went to bed. We needed a good night’s sleep. For the next day, we were ditching the resort strips and going on an ATV tour with a group of people to see the northern rugged part of Aruba.

All of those touristy pamphlets that inundated every passageway had finally seeped into our sense of adventure. Another poolside day with piña coladas seemed boring at this point. The resort life was relaxing, but the relentless chilled out Thievery Corporation playing through the global speakers was just too perfect.

Marcos was waiting for us bright and early the next day, standing outside with his black SUV. He seemed a bit tired like us, as he opened the door so that we could sit in the back. He handed us a clipboard with release forms and we signed away as he said that it would “just be us two today”.

Aruba changes really fast once you leave the boulevards of resort strips. We were soon in a cramped suburban style neighborhood, where dirt and sand replaced the typical areas of grass. Marcos stopped at a house and we got out. He went into the garage and rolled out two ATVs and started analyzing the tires.

“Ya ever driven one of these before?” Marcos asked.

“Nope…Never have. But I see them in my neighborhood a lot,” I said.

The thought of me driving an ATV seemed unfaithful to my hatred of them. Outside my front door in Fishtown, young punks (and even guys in their 40s) would cruise around town, circling blocks, driving through stop signs, and annoying the fuck out of everybody, sometimes going the wrong way down a one-way street, sometimes on sidewalks. The louder the better it seemed. It was illegal to drive them, but cops did nothing as it was too dangerous to chase them.

I had some crafty plans though. Lay down a spike strip or perhaps clothesline them with, well, an actual clothesline as they drove by. That would do them in. Then there was shooting out their big targeted tires with a gun from my rooftop, but that would result in a blowout and some kid’s cranium on a windshield, and making more of a mess wasn’t the goal. Plus, I didn’t own or shoot a gun.

What was so lame about these punks and their “All Terrain Vehicles” is that they never left the asphalt roads of Fishtown. I knew the deafening roar of the engine echoing between the buildings was their goal, to frighten people and show everyone that they were tough and all that stupid masculine bullshit, but try enjoying listening to Billie Holiday in your living room with that roar constantly invading your mindset, and you’ll want to destroy them too. Any kid with a few hundred bucks could go to Pep Boys and get a Baja Motorsports 90cc ride, or work on their uncle’s hooptie and make it sound like Tyrannosaurus Rex is farting non-stop down the avenue. It’s a Fishtown plague.

And now here I was, about to hop on an ATV with Melissa clutching my waist and actually take on many terrains, as the vehicle intended. Marcos hooked us up with helmets and gave an instructional on the thumb accelerator and brakes.

Off we went! First, around town on the streets and then onto a sandy and pebbly road that slowly inclined towards Alto Vista Chapel, a tiny colorful building overlooking the north shore, where local Catholics make a pilgrimage to every Good Friday. We got off and investigated and took photos while the quiet Marcos quickly became bubbly and excited, full of information.

Melissa exploring in Aruba.

We then cruised down dunes and along the coast and checked out natural bridges made of rock formations, the Bushiribana Gold Mine Ruins, and a cool permanent art installation made solely of debris and trash that had washed ashore.

Bushiribana Gold Mine Ruins
Melissa looking around before we head back on ATV.

Marcos continually led the way, as we stayed a safe distance behind, tearing through seaside cliffs as mid-afternoon quickly approached. Without my sunglasses, I would have been blinded, as the sandy cloud of Marcos in front of me was tough enough to deal with.

After a couple hours into our tour, we were almost at the grand destination, which was the Natural Pool, a pool of seawater surrounded by rock and volcanic stone circles. It was the ultimate reward for the adventurist, as the only way to get there was via an ATV or a 4-wheel drive vehicle. We had seen the photos of it everywhere and were ready to sit in the postcard image of it.

Natural bridges in Aruba.
Melissa taking photos on ATV tour toward Conchi Natural Pool.

The final stretch was of rocky terrain void of any path to follow. I kept a firm eye on Marcos up ahead, but at the same time focused on traversing the boulders and sporadic cactus. Use of the thumb accelerator became a game of exact precision as our body weight and my steering maneuvered us around the masses of tan stone.

Suddenly, I hit a stone that the tires couldn’t pass and found my body lunging forward through the air over the right side of the ATV. Melissa shrieked something to gain my attention. Control was completely lost,

I landed hard on my right side, scraping up my forearms, legs, and hip. I think I had hit my head as well, but the massive helmet saved me there. The wind was knocked out of me a bit, but the thick stench of gasoline startled my senses and I realized that the ATV was now upside down and partially on my body. I was able to slither out of it and stand up. Melissa was sitting a ways back on a boulder, holding her knee. Marcos was clambering over the rocks towards us while repeating “What happened? What did you do?”

And that’s when I started thinking…Exactly!…What the HELL am I doing? Why am I in some remote part of Aruba, far from any hospital or road, risking our lives after just getting married? Why are we now bleeding from our limbs in the scorching sun, far from our hotel? What kind of imbecile and irresponsible act is this?

One of Melissa’s knees was clearly in a lot of pain. We weren’t quite sure what the extent of our physical damage was. At first, I just wanted to turn around, but Marcos, who positioned the banged up ATV back into place, pointed out that we were quite close to the Natural Pool. I was worried that the ATV was destroyed and not able to be driven, but it was just fine.

Onward, we headed as I grew paranoid with every slight maneuver I had to make. Blood bubbled from scattered scrapes on my forearm as the bumpy ride tossed pain into my aching hip. Tiny pebbles were embedded in my skin. Immense fear grew over me as I thumbed the gear ever so slightly.

When we finally reached the Natural Pool area, we were greeted with a makeshift parking area and a series of stone steps to descend down. This wasn’t in the postcard! Marcos waited at the top as Melissa and I inched our way down the steps void of any bannister. This motion was especially difficult for Melissa and her damaged knee.

The color of the serene water in the Natural Pool was turquoise, surrounded by spiny rocks that you had to hop on to get to the water. Closer to the pool, the rocks were slippery with black crabs of all sizes wandering on them. Melissa and I looked at each other with disorientation and moved our bodies into the water, wondering if any bones on our bodies were broken.

An excited family was in the pool speaking Dutch, splashing about with their blond hair. I saw that they had taken a 4Ă—4 Jeep here. Well, that was smart, I thought.

Melissa and I treaded water, wondering how deep it went, and let the salt water clean our wounds with a slight sting. The massive waves crashed onto the rocks and poured into the Natural Pool. As the waves retreated back to the ocean, anything in its grasp could easily be sucked out to sea. We were told that these waves were so bad the previous day that the Natural Pool was closed.

On the long drive back to Marcos’s ATV garage, we ran into a clashing rally on the streets for one of the Aruban political parties. The general election was coming up in September. Yellow and green flags mixed with angry chants through megaphones made for an awkward getaway, as we had to drive on sidewalks that could barely fit the width of the ATV. The crowds were thick with the Papiamento language of the Caribbean, and here we were, a couple of tourists just dying to get back to our all-you-can-drink pool bar.

Finally at the hotel, and stripped of our clothes, we saw how bruised and battered we were…and could barely move without pain. We had one day left at the resort. So, we headed poolside and sat in the lounge chairs.

A girl came over next to me, positioned herself on a lounge chair, and started reading a book. I couldn’t help noticing her right leg was gnarled up with fresh wounds. I caught her eye and said, “ATV accident?”

“No…Jet skiing…” she said. “Just flew into some rocks. Had to get adventurous!”

At night, Melissa and I got drunk and went to one of the attached resort clubs where they were having a massive karaoke session, equipped with wireless microphones and a big stage.

One of the waitresses saw my arm and asked, “ATV accident?”

“Yep…Had to get adventurous.”

“Ahh, yeah, those things are more dangerous than they look.”

I eventually sang “Proud Mary” by Creedence Clearwater Revival, grinning through the pain, as our honeymoon came to an end. The season of the buzzing Fishtown ATVs was at its peak and awaiting my return back on Memphis Street.

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